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Parallel Lives of Jesus - 1d Authorship, Audiences, and Aims Authorship
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 1d Authorship, Audiences, and Aims Authorship
by SPCK - Edward Adams
Authorship, Audiences, and Aims Authorship Who wrote the Gospels? The four Gospels are traditionally assigned to Matthew, the tax collector and disciple (Matt. 9:9); Mark, the travel companion of Paul (Col. 4:10; 2 Tim. 4:11) and associate of Peter (1 Pet. 5:13); Luke, physician …
Transforming Preaching - The word of God
Transforming Preaching - The word of God
by SPCK - David Heywood
1 Why preach? The word of God Written words, spoken words Since the invention of the printing press over 500 years ago the printed word has been the world’s dominant form of communication. Once the privilege of a few, reading and writing have become a universal gateway to a world…
Lectionary Reflection Year C - Proper 9 Year C
Lectionary Reflection Year C - Proper 9 Year C
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Proper 9 Isaiah 66.10–14 Galatians 6.1–16 Luke 10.1–11, 16–20 Luke 8—10 sets out a very interesting mission strategy. In chapter 8, Jesus himself goes through towns and villages, curing people, and gathering huge crowds to hear his stories and see his miracles. Then in chapter 9,…
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs for Everyone - Let Me Tell You Another Story
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs for Everyone - Let Me Tell You Another Story
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Let Me Tell You Another Story On the way out of chapel yesterday, we bumped into the provost (his position stands midway between being the principal and the vice-principal in U.K. terms). Before he became provost a few months ago, we had dinner with him and his wife, but we have …
Four Gospels, One Jesus - What sorts of material do the gospels contain?
Four Gospels, One Jesus - What sorts of material do the gospels contain?
by SPCK - Richard A Burridge
What sorts of material do the gospels contain? Forms David Watson was a very eloquent and talented speaker who would illustrate his addresses with stories, anecdotes and jokes, using the same material also in his books. I remember listening to him and reading his work when I was …
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 1c Four Individual Gospels
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 1c Four Individual Gospels
by SPCK - Edward Adams
Four Individual Gospels To sum up so far: The Gospels exhibit a significant degree of commonality. Yet each Gospel has particularities that set it apart from the others. John’s Gospel is the most distinct, but each of the four distinguishes itself from the others in certain ways……
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 3 The Gospel according to Mark
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 3 The Gospel according to Mark
by SPCK - Edward Adams
The Gospel according to Mark Of the four New Testament Gospels, Mark is the one that most obviously manifests the shared story we have identified. It is also the Gospel that most closely corresponds to the outline of the gospel message given in Acts 10:36–43:1 Mark’s Gospel begin…
Journeying with Matthew Lectionary Year A - Introduction: Getting to know the Gospel of Matthew
Journeying with Matthew Lectionary Year A - Introduction: Getting to know the Gospel of Matthew
by SPCK - Woodward, Gooder and Pryce
Introduction: Getting to know the Gospel of Matthew Exploring the text Matthew’s Gospel sometimes evokes a mixed response from its readers, much more so than either Mark or Luke. While Matthew’s Gospel contains iconic and well-loved episodes such as the visit of the Magi (2.1) or…
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 3 Introduction
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 3 Introduction
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Introduction The preacher in Ecclesiastes considers “wisdom and madness and folly” and then seems to accept his fate as he bemoans, “What can the man do who comes after the king? Only what he has already done…” Taken from Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes by Kenneth E. Bailey
17 results